Free Printable Easter Headband Craft

Free Printable Easter Headband Craft

Kids of all ages will love wearing these free printable easter headbands. Perfect for the classroom or a family gathering, these headbands are adorable and fun!

easter printable headband craft

There are two versions of these Easter headbands and you can mix and match to your liking. The set includes Easter eggs, bunny ears and two different bands.

free printable easter craft

How Do I Use These Pages?

  1. Click HERE to download the PDF version of the headbands. No email required!
  2. Print the pages as many times as you need.
  3. Gather your coloring supples and get creative.
  4. Cut out the bands, bunny ears and Easter eggs.
  5. Tape, staple or glue the bands together, adjusting for size.
  6. Attach the bunny ears or Easter eggs wherever you’d like.
  7. Proudly wear your new Easter fashion!
free printable easter headband craft

Download the Free Printable Easter Headband Craft HERE!

printable easter craft

Like printables? I’ve created more free printable Easter coloring pages HERE.

free printable easter coloring pages

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